Freehold Theatre
517 Maynard Ave S, Seattle, WA 98104, United States

Review №1

Really cool venue and location! Haven’t got to see a show there yet, but I’m sure it would change my rating to a five. Staff is super friendly and supportive. Worked there for a fundraiser.

Review №2

All the instructors at Freehold Theater have a great philosophy on acting, and a consummate passion for teaching. They seemed to know how, in a positive manner, to get the best performance out of you. Of course its different for everyone, and it’s not rocket science, but you will be challenged.Whether you’re pursuing theater or film, if youre ready to get to the next level-- the skys the limit on what you can achieve. Freehold Theater gives a safe and comfortable place to grow – you’re given the tools to do your job as an actor, while challenging yourself creatively. Highly recommend.

Review №3

The best place to show your artistic side!

Review №4

Great class and rehearsal location. Bathroom smells a bit weird though, and the water pipes can be distracting during rehearsal.

Review №5

Great programs. The new location is much more convenient to get to by car or public transportation.

Review №6

I am a huge fan of Freehold! Having taken many classes there the past several years, I have found the faculty and teaching artists to be knowledgeable, supportive and passionate about providing each student with what he/she needs to grow in their craft. In addition, it has been a joy to meet and become friends with so many talented actors, directors and writers in town. Freehold is a safe environment to experiment and take risks, regardless of your experience level. The Meisner Progression taught by Robin Lynn Smith was life-changing and gave me the tools to raise my acting game to a whole new level. With an impressive roster of classes, Freehold has something for everybody. I highly recommend taking a class. You will have fun, gain confidence, make new friends and get better at your craft!

Review №7

Admittedly, I have a crush on Freehold... But its been a year and 3 months now, so it may be turning into something more serious! :-) I went from never having studied, or done performance, to taking 4 classes (Steps I, II and III, Exploring Solo Performance) and presenting a solo piece in the 2014 Incubator Studio Series. Mind-boggling transformation possibilities. Serious, fun, professional, enthusiastic, respectful, responsive, passionate, and compassionate community of instructors, staff, and participating students. We are beyond lucky to have Freehold in Seattle!

Review №8

Freehold is a container for creative transformation. It is a place where artists can discover their authentic expression.Freeholds leadership in empowering artists to find their voice is evident from the work they do in community - making the world a better place - one artist at a time.Strongly recommend Freehold.

Review №9

Freehold is an awesome unique haven of in-depth, honest, knees on the ground learning. Taught by passionate skilled professionals with an atmosphere of authentic communal and self exploration and focused honing of craft.Beginning and advanced students of the beautiful art of theater mix and are equally treated to a high standard of excellence and challenge. As a very part time actor who has a great love for all that acting gives and can take us to, I am so grateful to be able to explore and partake and learn. Every time I take a class, I see and experience the world on richer soil, and find myself much more exactly expressive and receptive in my daily life and on stage.

Review №10

Freehold changed my life. The classes are taught with a kind of gentle ferocity that helped me push through my perceived limitations. Not only did I gain new and important skills, both professionally and personally, but also a new community and sense of purpose. I cannot recommend Freehold highly enough.

Review №11

In addition to having extremely qualified industry professionals teaching courses, the Freehold atmosphere is low-stress and so supportive. You learn that it is great to experiment and try new things and think new thoughts and that it is OK to fail. I would recommend a class to anyone interested in self-expression through theater or film.

Review №12

Ive been taking classes at Freehold for almost two years now and it has been a great experience. All of my teachers have been superb, very talented and dedicated, and the range of classes is amazing as well, There are classes for the curious with no acting experience (me a the beginning) to classes for someone who is serious about acting and wants a more in depth study (me now!). I found my experience at Freehold to be truly life changing, no exaggeration at all.

Review №13

Excellent theater school! I love the Personal Clown class taught by Mik Kuhlman each Summer!

Review №14

I started classes at the Freehold a little over three years ago. Ive taken steps 1-3, acting for the camera, singing for actors, rehearsal and performance, auditioning and the 9 month Meisner intensive. Not only have I had the best acting experiences there (Ive been to other theaters as well as the theater program at SOU), Ive meet incredible actors in the area, and have had teachers who have pushed me above and beyond where I thought I could be. Each teacher works in the industry and their passion is astonishing. Ive been recommending Freehold to every actor Ive met who hasnt heard about the theatre, so I might as well recommend it online as well!

Review №15

Ive just finished the first year of introductory classes at Freehold and it has been an amazing experience. I previously did not have any acting experience, but really the only thing needed was an openness to new experiences and the will power to work hard. In return, you get to explore new (or hidden!) sides of yourself, learn what it means to really live truthfully under imaginary circumstances and become part of the amazing Freehold community. All the instructors Ive had are true professionals who are able to rapidly target areas of your scene which need work and who help you develop a full toolbox of techniques that you can take with you anywhere in life. I am really excited to continue with the Meisner progression next year!

Review №16

I’m so grateful to have found my way to Freehold. It’s been my home for acting training for over six years now. They have an affordable, well-rounded course selection, a progression for advanced learning, committed and highly credible instructors and a wonderful sense of community.

Review №17

A $390 lesson for you working actors.From what I experienced. They want student actors not working actors.Hear me out.I understand these teachers have a job to protect, and the living cost is crazy in Seattle. So I won’t list names.I studied 101-103 with Nils Osmar around 2014-15. 1 year improv in Bellingham with a small local group. I knew this was my passion and I wanted more life experience, so I decided to backpack.I stumbled across a school called NIDA in Australia. Which is one of the top 10 acting schools in the World. I studied screen actors 101-103. And then auditioned to get into their 1 year Screen Actors Studio.After finishing I studied with Kevin Jackson (well renowned in the theatre world in Sydney) we studied numerous Pulitzer plays from Tennessee Williams, to Sam Shepard.After Backpacking abroad for 3 years I came back home. And decided to check out FreeholdFrom “reviewing” my resume they placed me in 101.At first I was shocked, a bit upset, but I assumed this school must be that dang good, if based on my resume I should go to 101.The first day of class I knew there was a mistake. I didn’t handle it well because I felt like I just got taken advantage of.There was a bit of tension between my instructor and I. He has a job to protect and I had my craft to worry about. it was downhill from there.The second class I was about 10 minutes late, I’m usually punctual but I didn’t plan for an accident to halt traffic.I asked questions in class, not to challenge but to get another perspective, but It probably came off as a challenge the way the teacher reacted. I could see things weren’t working out so I wanted to speak with him to clear things up.3rd class I was an hour late. We were shooting a commercial down in Lacey, a 12 hour day. I contacted my instructor during the day because we were needed to stay longer. I was exhausted at this time driving to Lacey at 4am. Wrapping at 630p But I made a commitment to this class so I went.Exhausted, I tried to conserve my energy because I had a scene to showcase in class. My presence probably came off negatively. As my instructor looked annoyed.We spoke after class. I didn’t want to block the students from learning and growing. So I apologized for what I said on the first day, and that I would be more than willing to drop out of class if I am causing more harm than good. And although he couldn’t say it explicitly - I got the message.I dropped class and fast forward to today.I have an interview for the initial class I wanted to participate inI spoke with the instructor and I can tell right off the bat we are not going to mesh well. She was upset that I put down her class on my resume. I understand now, that may look bad from the way this conversation went. But I kind of assumed I was going to start her class soon and I didn’t want to update my resume again in the future. So I just wrote it down.The conversation turned sour quickly.This isn’t her exact words but she pretty much said based on my experience and freeholds curriculum I should be in 101. (Red flag?)Her argument was based off of the teachers I studied with (particularly Nils).It was clear she did not do research on who I studied with. In the INTERVIEW she pulled out her phone and researched the school I attended. This is the same person who told me months ago based off her “research” I should be in 101. She didn’t know NIDA existed. she didn’t know who Kevin Jackson was. But she knew Nils and that was her justification to not skip me out of 101. Nils who I trained with 3-4 years ago.I gave them the benefit of the doubt, that they knew what they were talking about. But instead - I lost money, time and gained stress which could have been avoided.But not everything is bad here. Erin was extremely patient, and kind through it all.If you’re a beginner this school may be for you. But if your goal is to be a working actor. Ask questions. And do you research, instead of basing it off the reviews like I did.

Review №18

They havent gotten back to Me yet

Review №19

I am deeply grateful for Freehold. Seattle is graced by this sacred place that fosters growth, discovery, and artist-realization. I recently completed the Meisner Progression course taught by Artistic Director and master teacher, Robin Lynn Smith. I found the education to be integrative, progressive, and holistic, teaching us how to access and awaken our truth through effective techniques and philosophies from all over the world. I gained awareness in body, mind, and spirit that has truly deepened my work and enriched my life.I have also taken John Jacobsens Acting for the Camera. John has a wealth of knowledge and experience, and is very generous in sharing it. I took forward invaluable information from his class.The studio is a haven for exploring yourself, your humanity, and your craft, with the guidance of passionate, inspiring teachers and the support of a wonderful community of fellow artists.Ive also told people it isnt just a place for artists, but really any human being who wants to grow.

Review №20

I cant recommend Freehold enough! This is such an amazing space for artists of all types. If you have never acted, come here, if you have acted all of your life come here as well. There is something for everyone. If you are a working artist this is the place to keep up on your training. Some of the most amazing instructors teach here. From Robin Lynn Smith to John Jacobsen, from Meisner training to Acting on Camera! They have it all. Movement, voice, combat, Shakespeare...All of the instructors are also working actors/directors. Its not just a school, its a refuge as well. My home away from home. My inspirational space. My craft has gotten so much more developed here. You wont regret spending your time at Freehold!

Review №21

Ive taken many classes at Freehold, from beginning acting all the way through Meisner. All classes have been excellent with inspiring and thoughtful instructors. Freehold is an excellent place for someone who is exploring acting as sideline or as a start to a full time career.

Review №22

You will find no better place to unleash your inner storyteller. Whether it be acting, directing, playwriting or anything in between - if you value the exploration of the human condition, youll want to join this community and call it home. The instructors here are seasoned professionals from high and lofty places, but they are also the most approachable, caring, and nurturing teachers you will ever encounter. They are so attuned to you and your craft that, in one quarter, you will make leaps and bounds far beyond what you thought possible. I could not have navigated the crazy maze of theatre and film craft without Rebecca, Sarah, John, Annette, and Christine. You all were such outstanding role modals and leaders within this community. Thank you!!

Review №23

Ive been taking classes at Freehold since 1998 and without a doubt Freehold is the best place in Seattle for actor training (besides the academic programs at UW and Cornish). They also offer play writing and directing classes. The instructors are working professionals - many of whom also teach at Cornish and/or UW. Highly recommended.

Review №24

Freehold Theatre will take you on a fantastic journey of your life. Take a class, commit to the journey, challenge yourself, you will not be disappointed.

Review №25

Freehold, its instructors, and the classes offered are extraordinary. I have learned so much, and have had so much fun. As a then 56 year old lawyer in real life, starting out in Step One three years ago, I had no idea what to expect. The teachers, the content, the students, and the challenges have been so very much worth the time, effort, and expense invested. Enough cannot be said about the truly exceptional and dedicated faculty. Ive loved my experiences at Freehold and have had SO MUCH FUN. In short: my time at Freehold has been the best thing, besides skydiving (which I did because we were assigned in one class to live out a fantasy), Ive done in ten years. Thank you Stephan, Annette, Darragh, and most especially, Robin.

Review №26

Ive taken a LOT of classes at Freehold over the past nine years, and I have learned a lot, from acting to voice to playwriting. They have excellent classes taught by working professionals.

Review №27

I have fallen in love with Freehold, its spirit and mission. Currently (Spring, 2013) I am taking the Point of View Playwriting class from Rebecca. What an experience! Regardless of the types of writing a person does (I havent considered myself to be a playwright) the skills and information presented, the assignments, the class discussions, everything so far has been useful in my typical writing as well as introducing me to theatrical literature. Mindful of the importance of feedback but aware, too, of the pitfalls of traditional critiques, Rebecca has provided us with a model for discussion of classmates work that is helpful and positive. You should know, the expectations for this class are high, from ones own writing, to reading classmates and preparing for discussion, to reading well-known playwrights. But hey, you want your moneys worth, dont you? A really wonderful class.

Review №28

Freehold is a truly unique and special Theater Lab & Studio. They offer a truly sacred space where you can be totally free and uninhibited. All of the instructors work in the industry and offer exceptional training and insight into the world of acting. I have taken introductory acting courses Steps 1-3 as well as rehearsal and performance and most recently the 9 month Meisner intensive course. Here I have truly discovered myself and my passion for the art of acting as grown exponentially. The training not only goes above and beyond what you would expect but each instructor has such a passion for the art that just being in their presence infuses you with an even greater urge to pursue and truly grasp the art. Beyond the exceptional training, safe environment, and great class mates each insturtor not only provides you with a knowledge of the art but also empowers you to believe in yourself and go out in the world and pursue your dream. What I am most grateful for from my experience at freehold has been this empowerment. A truly great teacher is one who makes you believe in yourself and empowers you with the confidence that you can go out in the world and be successful. They not only provide you with great training but fill you with such inspiration, passion, and drive that it is impossible to leave unmotivated or uninspired. Each of the insturctors are truly great in this way and I would recommend Freehold to anyone interested in prusuing the art of acting and discovering what it is to truly experience and discover the art of the human soul and bring it to life on stage.

Review №29

I took my first class at Freehold after I suddenly decided to audition for a play and failed at it miserably. The experience made me want to try again, but to prepare myself better. Ive taken Steps I-III, Voice, Singing for Actors and Movement at Freehold. Singing for Actors with Lucia Neare, Movement with Paul Budraitis, and Meisner Progression with Robin Lynn Smith, in particular, made me realize that there are different ways of finding the characters voice, and connecting on stage and with an audience, and that maybe I can do this. They gave me the courage to continue to try. Ive found all the instructors to be knowledgable, giving, and supportive. Ive begun to be able to quiet all the reasons of why I cant do this, and learn to let myself do things and fail at them and keep doing them and become better because of it, and Ive found the support to let that happen at Freehold, both from the instructors and the fellow students. I love Freehold, studying here has changed my life for the better. Highly recommend. Its an excellent and affordable training program for acting. Ive drunk the kool-aid, too.

Review №30

I cant provide sufficient accolades for Freehold. I have taken a wide gamut of classes ranging from introductory, to the Meisner Progression and ETI (professional conservatory training). Other classes include playwriting, voice over, improv, mask, new play lab, and many others both for fun and advancing my knowledge and skills.My experiences have been great to outstanding, and I am proud and incredibly honored to be affiliated with Freehold as a board member. Freehold is a community for everyone, at all levels -- not just students and actors. Additionally Freehold is active in community outreach bringing theatrical productions and training/mentorship to underserved communities like prisons, the homeless, and at-risk students to name a few.

Review №31

I just finished Rebecca Tourino Collinsworths Playwriting Class. I was blown away. This remarkable woman led us through the most vigorous, thoughtful, safe and yet demanding class I could have imagined. And fun. If it’s scary and fun, something’s going on. Rebecca set the stage for open and daring work and gave me the most solid and useful tools for critiquing that I have ever had laid out before. And then she started the challenges --setting, characters, scenes. She started a freight train in my mind that kept rolling for 8 weeks. I could scarcely think about anything else. My play was born out of three exercises and suddenly it was dropping in chunks to me from the heavens. Each exercise she gave seemed at first glance not to fit with my plans. Of course that was the point. My play buckled and twisted and balked but I followed the assignment and something so much more interesting, so much deeper was born. It was truly a magnificent process and I will forever thank Rebecca for giving me the gift of this creative experience.

Review №32

The place to learn and/or practice your craft!

Review №33

I called to verify what Id seen online and was told were not interested and hung up on.

3 Photos
4.7 Rating
  • Address:517 Maynard Ave S, Seattle, WA 98104, United States
  • Site:
  • Phone:+1 206-323-7499
  • Performing arts theater
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